A voyage into space…
20 Jun
A couple of weeks, Tsem Rinpoche took quite a few of us for a movie treat in town. It was to be the latest installment of Star Trek. While waiting for the movie to begin, I read the rotten tomatoes review and apparently, it had near perfect ratings with its little red juicy tomatoes displaying the high ratings. Wow! Rinpoche trusts rotten tomatoes and it has not failed us so far but I secretly wondered if it would live up to its hype now that I had read that review. The last movie was really a great ride but I could hardly remember it except for a flashback for beautiful actors.
With popcorn in hand, we entered another world and I must say I shed a tear or two. I cringed when the villain fought so well and nearly punched the air when Mr Blue-eyed Captain Kirk got kicked in the ass. When the credits rolled, I felt I couldn’t wait for the next installment of this never-ending saga. Beautiful actors notwithstanding, the film was pretty well done and the plot simple enough and endearing enough to pull at the heartstrings. I love the maverick blue-eyed Captain Kirk, although he looked like he had one too many beers. Did I mention that I loved the way Spock’s toupee bounced as he ran to save his bromance-lover Captain Kirk?
Ok, jokes aside. I think it was a great movie. The central theme seemed to be about self-sacrifice, deep sense of loyalty and a sense of duty – a general selflessness, not overly done but done just right. There were great moments in the movie that I particularly like but it was just the same as everyone else. When Rinpoche spoke, he told us that he liked a small element of the movie that all of us overlooked. He said he hoorayed when a daughter character defied her father and told him she was embarrassed of him for doing something bad. (No spoiler alert here) Rinpoche explained that he misses that about America, that kids would stand on their own beliefs and follow through what they believe in. Many kids here still live with their parents till adulthood and they work in safe jobs and almost never follow their passions. Kids here just subconsciously wait for inheritance and basically seek their parent’s approval about almost everything.
I must say that little anecdote of ‘kids here’ was rather spot on for many people I know and about myself. That is why, I am glad I live on my own and pushed the enveloped a little when I decided to work for the Dharma when my parents expected me to pursue a more worldly career. Nonetheless, I have no regrets on both counts and I must say, it has been a rewarding one. Anyway, back to the movie, I loved it and I think I would wanna watch it again!

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